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Creative Consulting Services grew out of a need to assist individuals as they walked through difficulty places in their lives. It is a well-known fact that everyone needs someone to lean on in their times of need be it a friend or family member. Sometimes, however, it is nice to have an objective viewpoint and privacy in your wanderings. Creative Consulting Services provide professional counselling in group or individual settings.

Our vision is to assist individuals as they travel through their relationship journeys.  We uphold the principle that every staff member has an ethical and moral obligation to provide support in an atmosphere of confidentiality and privacy.  It is critical  that our clients experience an environment in which they can confidently and safely pursue their journey of discovery.

Services are clearly explained to clients when they attend their first session. Therapists and counsellors will discuss expectations and responsibilities as they specifically relate to each persons care plan and healing journey. We encourage equality in individual sessions and interactive participation in our group sessions. We are mindful of the costs,  both financial and emotional, and desire to provide service that exceeds industry standards and expectations.

Services Fees

Individual Counseling $170/hr
Family Counseling $170/hr
Marital Counseling $170/hr
Marriage Prep—Individual $425/3 hours**
Mediation $250/hr****
Life Coaching $100/hr
Consulting $250/hr

**Other classes and groups will be offered throughout the year. Prices vary.